Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Final Project

We are in the final stretch of our section of Inotroduction to Computers!  For our final project, you will use all three of the Office programs we have studied.

Create a flyer for an event that you are hosting.  The flyer should have the following critera:
1. All necessary information about the event (ex. where, when, what to bring)
2. Use of WordArt
3. Use of ClipArt
4. Use of page border
5. Variety of fonts and sizes

Create a budget for your event.  You have a budget of $500.  The worksheet should have the following criteria:
1. Worksheet heading
2. All supplies needed for your party (minimum 10)
3. Column for "Supply", "Cost per unit", "Units needed", "Total Cost"
4. Use of calculations to find the total cost of your party supplies and how much you will have remaining.  Also calculate the MAX, MIN, and AVG price for your items (hint: its in AutoSum!)
5. Turn your data into a chart and format accordingly.

Create a database of friends attending your event.  The database should have the following criteria:
1. Minimum of 10 friends (please see my example for suggestions as to what data to include)
2. Create a table
3. Create a report
4. Run a query
Save as: Final Project
Total Points: 30 points

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